“Winter / Element Earth”
Winter is connected to the Earth Element because it gives stability, confidence and practical thinking. When you learn how to manage the earth and the other elements, you will understand the entire world, both within you and outside, so it is essential to connect with them for tapping into the powers of the Universe.
The winter series emphasizes the deep connection between humans and nature, which provides us with support, stability, and security. The earth is a source of strength and life. This series explores themes of ambition, determination, and perseverance, which are necessary to overcome physical and mental challenges.
At the same time, these challenges teach us humility and strengthen our self-confidence. The depiction of mountains symbolizes these challenges and the solid foundation the earth offers. In addition to stability, the series also highlights the transformative power of the earth in growth and abundance.
Winter reveals that the Earth grounds us, and through challenges, we discover our strength and capacity to transform.
Winter 2021-2020
During the pandemic, the element Earth became a powerful resource to stay grounded, find stability, and trust. Everything I needed was already present. I turned old artworks around and used their reverse sides to create something new. The colors came from old supplies or were gifted by people who no longer needed them. In this way, something new emerged from the old—a transformation reflecting the cycle of nature and creativity, especially in the stillness of winter.
The connection between humans and mountains is deeply rooted in the element of Earth. As hikers, we strive for the summit, yet each step on solid ground reminds us of the importance of staying grounded. The Earth supports us, giving us stability and strength as we move toward the heights. Everything we seek externally—stability, peace, insight—already exists within, deeply anchored in our core. The mountain teaches us that the path upward is also an inner journey, where grounding and ascent merge in harmony. In our connection to the Earth, we find both our footing and our rise.