Hi, I’m Anna
Born in 1975 in Silesia, Poland, I have been living in Berlin as an artist since 2001. From an early age, I discovered painting, a form of art that allows me to express and visualize my thoughts and feelings. Art has shown me how the creative process can transform not only my projects but also myself.
Throughout my career, I have experienced many artistic periods and tried numerous techniques, from drawing and photography to installations and new media. This diversity has led my work from figurative to abstract forms and helped me continuously evolve. With each new approach came a fear of change, but even greater was the fear of becoming stagnant and unable to develop further. Every new project thus became an adventure that intrigued me and enriched the process of discovery and creation.
Today, I use my experiences to constantly explore new paths in concept development and in educational and communication projects. My art reflects cyclical processes and patterns of life, serving as a link between the inner and outer worlds. Under the motto "As within, so without," I aim to inspire others to discover and realize themselves.
With years of experience, I have come to understand that everything is interconnected and exhibits cyclical patterns, reflecting our inner and outer worlds – everything is one. This awareness opens the way to a profound transformation, marking the beginning of a new dimension.
‘You can only see well with your heart’, Kunst am Bau, Berlin
‘12 Rooms’ Galerie KEWENIG, Berlin
‘Hidden in water’, Trockels Architekten, Berlin
‘Bunnies’, Apfelgalerie, Berlin
‘Anything at All’, Bruton Museum, England
‘24 stops in Infinity’, CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
‘Being A Being’, Project Space Garten114, Berlin, Germany
‘Prima Materia’, Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin | Beijing, Berlin, Germany
‘Berlin relatives’, Polish Institute, Berlin, Germany
‘Hidden Body’, Polish Institute, Düsseldorf, Germany
‘Doll|Kott’, Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin | Beijing, Berlin, Germany
‘Most’ Bridge Association, Berlin, Germany
‘Healing’, Initiative Herzklappe, Berlin
‘Kunst am Bau’, Tag der Baukultur, Brandenburg, Germany
‘Kunst am Bau’, Tag der Baukultur, Brandenburg, Germany
‘Collecting & Reassembling Mail Art ‘Exhibition and Fundraiser at Richmond Art Gallery, Canada.
‘Memento mori’, The Chateau Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky, US
‘Artists supporting Artists‘ NYFA, New York
'24H LUB_BRL' Lublin, Poland
‘Bittersweet Times’, SØR Rusche Collection, Städtische Galerie Regensburg, Germany
‘Sommerblüten’, Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin
‘Gallery Weekend’, Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin
‘RElight - Recklinghausen leuchtet’ Museum Jerke, Recklinghausen
‘Wasted Time’, Art Capital _ Biennale , Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum , Szentendre, Hungary
‘Bittersweet Times’, Baroque and contemporary, SØR Rusche Collection, Oelde/Berlin,
‘Bittersweet Times’, Edwin Scharff Museum, Neu-Ulm, Germany
‘Ecce Homo? Ecce Homo!’ St. Canisius, Berlin
‘Gute Kunst? Wollen!’, SØR Rusche Collection, AEG Nürnberg
‘Truth’, SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin, Museum Abtei Liesborn
‘Pages of the Book’, with Architecture Museum in Wroclaw, Poland
‘Bittersweet Times’, SØR Rusche Collection, Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg,
‘Die Liebe, das Leben und der ganze Rest’, Kunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde,Museumsverein Stade
‘Truth’, SØR Rusche Collection, Bayer Kulturhaus, Leverkusen, Germany
‘Optima Mihi in Chartis’, Galerie Römerapotheke, Zurich, Swiss
‘Das flüssige Element’, Kunstmuseum Ahrenshoop, Germany
‘Circles - Kreise’, Bamberg und Art Society Bamberg e.V., Bamberg, Germany
‘Ostrale´ 012’, homegrown, Dresden, Germany
‘Eros & Thanatos’, SØR Rusche Collection Oelde/Berlin, Leipzig, Germany
‘Dynamik in Form’, Item, Ulm, Germany
‘EtnoDizajn’ Festival (Public art) in Cracow / Poland
‘Ein Bild ist ein Bild | The WUNDERkammer (higgledy-piggledy)’, Alexander Ochs Galleries
Berlin | Beijing, Berlin, Germany
‘Dynamik in Form’, Art award for painting: 2nd place, Item, Ulm, Germany
‘Intimacy and Alienation’, Museo para la identidad nacional, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
‘Young Art from Berlin’, El Salvador Museum of Art, San Salvador, El Salvador
‘Bilder’, Galerie Splettstößer, Kaarst, Germany
‘Essence’, Arte Comic, Bruxelles, Belgium
‘Sacrum in Art’, Krakow, Poland
‘North - South’. Drawings, Cracow; Danzig, Poland
‘Diploma 2001’, The Palace of Art, Krakow, Poland
‘Poster Studio on Tour - Station Budapest’, Polish Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Stipendium Sonderprogramm der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
Artist-in-Residence, Hauser&Wirth Somerset, UK
Artist-in-Residence, Hauser&Wirth Somerset, UK
Atelierstipendium der Senatsverwaltung Kultur, Berlin
Stipendium Socrates Erasmus, College of Printing, London, UK
‘Einschnitte. Wovon erzählt die Nabe auf dem Herzen’. Initiative Herzklappe 2024
‘anything at all’; Salon Magazine No.12, Salon Verlag, December 2019;
‘anything at all’; Artist Book, Catalog to the exhibition at Bruton Museum, Publisher: Anna Kott
‘Her Story’, TEXT, Kunstmagazin, December 2015
‘Gute Kunst? Wollen!’ Eine kritische Untersuchung der SØR Rusche Sammlung Berlin/Oelde MMKoehn Verlag 2015;
Catalog to the exhibition Auf AEG; Publisher: Auf AEG, Lars Blunck, Ulrich Großmann and Thomas Rusche; German; ISBN: 978-3-944903-24-8
Bittersüße Zeiten. Barock und Gegenwart in der Sammlung SØR Rusche Oelde/Berlin.
Edited by Hans Jürgen Giese, Christiane Ladleif, Sebastian Möllers, Thomas Rusche, Regina Wetjen. With contributions from: Andrea Fromm und Tom Beege Verlag Wienand
ISBN-10: 3868322205
‘Wahrheiten/Truths’, Werke aus der SØR Sammlung Oelde/Berlin; 2014 Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld 2014; Catalog to the exhibition at Bayer Kulturhaus, Leverkusen; Publisher: Bayer Kultur und Dr. Dr. Thomas Rusche; Text: Mark Gisbourne; ISBN: 978-3-7356-0029-5
‘Eros & Thanatos’. Tagträume von Begehren und Erfüllung. Zeitgenössische Kunst der SØR Rusche Lubok-Verlag, Leipzig 2012; Catalog to the exhibition Collection SØR Rusche at Werkschauhalle der Spinnerei, Leipzig; Text: Mark Gisbourne; German/English; ISBN 978-3-941601-59-8
‘Bildgewitter. Erzgeburtstag’. Publisher: Kerberverlag, Text: Mark Gisbourne, Clemens Meyer, Harald Wieser; German/English; ISBN 978-3-86678-912-8.
‘Circles/Kreise’, Barbara Kahle, Birgit Kastner, Alexander Ochs-Barwinek (Hg.): Kunstverein Bamberg, Bamberg 2013; ISBN 978-300042300-0
‘Ostrale ´012’. internationale Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Kunst Dresden; Catalog to the exhibition; Text: Martin Müller. Ostrale e.V., Dresden 2012.
‘5th European Month of Photography’, edited by Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, Kerber Verlag ISBN: 978-3-86678-770-4
ikonenschmiede, Akademie Interview mit Anna Kott 2022
KAP podcast, Unter uns die Kelten. Von Heldenreisen und Jahreskreisen-Teil II mit Anna Kott und Sabina Passauer. (4 episodes)
Interview & meet artists, 2020, womenwecreate
Body Glue: »C. Newman & H. Zerlett« (90er/ 2019) ;
Label: Verlag Neue Musik, Berlin
Defibrillator & Peter Brötzmann – Conversations About Not Eating Meat;
Label: Border of Silence – BOS-001; 2016
Ghosts Chris Newman, 2014; Mode Records, New York;
RBB Portrait von Anna Kott in der Reihe Kowalski & Schmidt, 27. Oktober 2013
‘You can only see well with your heart’, Kunst am Bau, Berlin
‘EtnoDizajn Festival’ (Public art) in Cracow / Poland