CIRCLE OF BEING is an art project dedicated to the transformation of being.
I work based on time and deal with the perpetual cycle of being. I work in series, which are divided into phases of change according to 4 seasons and to which natural elements are assigned.
A main message is that one should perceive the present moment non-judgmentally and consciously.
We create our world and when we connect with nature, great things happen.
Since the pandemic, I‘ve developed a transformation technique in my painting that uses my entire body. I involve myself physically in my paintings by drawing my own outlines and using the lines as a matrix for paintings. It allows me to be more mindful, tune in to new potentials and adopt a growth mindset. There is a lot of information in the human body and working with it brings positive effects such as progress, balance and fulfillment.
I truly believe there is a force in the human body that is not fully used. There is a language beyond words - it is the language of human emotions. There is a hidden connection between individual and collective, inside and outside, human and universe.
Painting is a great opportunity to transform and unlock the human potential.
The original idea for the CIRCLE OF BEING project originates in Somerset, 2016, UK.
I am currently working on the third edition of CIRCLE OF BEING.
A balanced life is the key to art.
This project is a kind of research, because it is exploring the coexistence of balance and imbalance from the physical to the mind, human and nature.
The four elements are the basic elements, the principles of creation and all beings.
Fire, water, earth and air stand for the basic energy that humans carry within themselves. The phenomena divinity, soul, nature, space and time are related to the building blocks of life.
The four elements reflect the way people treat themselves and the world. They create life and at the same time have incredible destructive powers that can destroy anything. Delving deeper into the power of the elements can help you understand both yourself and others better and use your personal strengths more effectively. There is something very primal about using the elements to further our personal development.
Our body is a manifestation of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. When we are aware of the elements both externally and internally, health, awareness and wellbeing will be felt.
Every Element is connected to a Season.