Winter. The element of EARTH.
Many people feel disconnected. They are suffering from loneliness.
It might be that this is the way to discovering our true nature. It could be a chance to overcome our fears and to open up ourselves to new experiences.
There is no division in nature.
We are inseparable.
Nature and human are one.
The element of earth is the most basic element of all and encompasses everything around us. During the winter days we can use this time of the year to calm down and slow down, to reflect, to heal, to deepen the connection to ourselves and to dream of our onward journey. The deeper and stronger we are rooted within Mother Earth, the more we can rise up, the further we can go.
Earth embodies security, brings stability, trust and routine into our relationships – personal and professional. It has a calming effect and always brings us back down to earth.
Earth symbolizes the sense of reality. No matter what the current situation is, for every development that we want to stimulate, we are only allowed to have a loving, positive relationship with ourselves - physically, mentally and emotionally.
Compared to the other elements -air, fire, water- earth finds its way back to balance very slowly or with difficulty. Earth is slow and hesitant, so it can take a long time to get involved in the new.
The earth is especially associated with the color brown. It brings feelings of warmth, comfort, and security. Thinking about tea, cinnamon, deer, copper, dark chocolate, etc.
While painting, I noticed brown tends to feel like a powerful color, but it can sometimes seem old-fashioned and boring. It's important to see things in context. In my painting brown gaves me a perfect balance in connection to the subject-matter.
Series Element Earth
Gamskogel / Austria
Mixed media on canvas
120x100cm x 2
Everything is connected.
One of the ways to see it, is to step back and look at the situation through a wider lens. At one point you start to recognise patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour.
Patterns that make you angry, stressed, depressed, unhappy, frustrated, overwhelmed and lonely.
Patterns that make you happy, powerful, power, successful, excited and passionate.
I‘ve lived through some tough times in my life. I focused so hard on what I wanted that I didn’t even realize i was moving in the wrong patterns.
I felt alone and disconnected. There have been times when I felt like I was on one side of a pattern looking across to a to place where everyone else was having a good time.
What we focus on, becomes our reality.
If we choose our patterns consciously, we can change our lives, we can make the world a better place.
I wish you a conscious connection with the earth element this winter time. It means to harmonise and to be in the centre of your being. From this centre, the good, the beautiful and the successful happen…
Series Element Earth
Gamskogel / Austria
Mixed media on paper