Who are you ?

The development processes in nature always go through many stages and all areas of life.

We are all just residents of the body. Over time, we have identified ourselves with it in such a way that we mistake ourselves for the body. All of our thinking, speaking and acting is determined by this limited self-image reduced to physical existence. However, we are conscious beings.

The body is made of matter. The whole world is made of matter. Matter changes every moment - the matter in the world changes at the same speed as our body. Now, when two things change at the same rate and we identify with one of them, it seems to us that both are permanent and immutable. The body and the world are both made of matter and both are changing, but we live day after day under the illusion that things will stay as they are right now.

We do not live here on earth or in the human body forever. Someday - sooner or later - we all have to go. When we leave the world things stay here. We'll go empty-handed. Should we fear death? Death is only a change, just as the sun sets on one side of the world and rises again on the other.

Have you ever wondered what it will be like at the end of your life?  I don't know what my last question would be to myself. But if asked if I spread joy, I definitely would want to say yes. In this life, I want to experience as much joy as possible and bring joy to other people. And if in the end, I ask another question, I will be able to look back for myself and see all the joy in my life and maybe in the lives of others that I have touched.