
Mantra for creativity (Each Piece)


This series is a reminder of free spirit creativity.

My own thoughts sometimes build a box that my courage cannot enter:

A box to protect me so I don't get hurt from the outside. A box where I can hide away my true self. A box to limit the life I could lead. If you want to think out-of-the-box, you first have to know the box.


The starting point for the series is a box, which I painted in a variety of colours (filters).

First, you need to understand what the box is, then you can think outside the box. Thinking out-of-the-box leads to new solutions.

I am not the box that I am put in…I am limitless. 

I start to dream again. To feel again...  All the magic in life happens outside your box. By staying inside your shell, you won’t create a new version of yourself. Humans can overcome limits. We are limitless and that’s painting to me.